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 Rose Sink Project 


 Photo by Andrew Pitkin



Rose Creek winds its way from Lake City and enters the ground at Rose Creek Swallet. From there, the water travels through the aquifer and eventually re-surfaces at Ichetucknee Springs.   An extensive dye-trace study confirmed the connection some years ago.  Further studies have also connected Rose Sink with Clay Hole Creek Creek and Black Sink, which also drains parts of Lake City.  It has also been physically connected to nearby McCormick Sink.

The cave system is highly dynamic.  During rainy periods, Rose Creek will flood and millions of gallons of water and debris drain into the sink.  The sink will actually form a whirlpool and large logs can be seen standing in the swallet.  The cave system can change completely during these flood events when huge amounts of sand are redistributed in the system. The cave is normally a siphon and flow can be quite strong. There is a spring source about 900 feet into the system where the siphon can become even stronger.  



Photo by Andrew Pitkin

Rose has been explored and surveyed over the years by Lamar Hires, Woody Jasper and Tom Morris.  More recent exploration and a connection to McCormick Sink was done by Jerry Murphy and Jill Heinerth in March 2009.  On going survey of the system is being done by Mike and Sandra Poucher, Andrew Pitkin, and Brett Hemphill.


Support divers include Walter Pickel, Joel and Jacki Clark, Eric Deister, and James Toland.


Entries from Mike Poucher's dive log.


Photo by Andrew Pitkin



Divers:                Andrew Pitkin, Michael Poucher
Profile:               490 minutes total (260 minute bottom time)    


Surveyed to the area where Jerry Murphy and Jill Heinreth made the McCormick connection from the other side.  Stopped at a tight bedding plane restriction when I couldn't get through.  On the way back out we found a parallel passage that we explored and mapped. 


28 February 2009 -


Divers:                Andrew Pitkin, Michael Poucher
Profile:               390 minutes total (200 minute bottom time)    


We continued about 1200 survey through a series of canyons and bedding plane restrictions.  Flow is minimal due to the drought making for easy trave in and out.


1 February 2009 -


Divers:                Brett Hemphill, Michael Poucher
Profile:               195 minutes total (110 minute bottom time)    


We went to where Andy and I had stopped surveying and went another 600 feet or so to get familiar with the passage.




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